Active Support Training Programme

    Increase knowledge retention and improve training outcomes with Active Support

    Maybo’s Active Support Training Programme offers a tailored learning experience with a difference.

    The programme designed within the principles and foundations of the positive behaviour support framework. Staff who complete the Active Support programme can build on team skills in Positive Approaches to Behaviour and Safer de-escalation and can train in certified programmes concerning respectful, low arousal physical skills supported within a Positive Behaviour Support Plan.

    Maybo's Active Support Programme enables positive and safer outcomes

    Active Support meets NDIS practice standards

    Maybo’s Active Support Programme follows the practice guidelines set by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and is endorsed by the
    International Journal of Developmental Disabilities.

    It achieves this by including Behaviour Support, which focuses on identifying the underlying causes of behaviours of concern while safeguarding the dignity and quality of life of people with a disability.

    Staff on the programme are taught a positive, person-centred approach that demonstrates an extensive understanding of how to improve the quality of life for people with a disability.

    Transform your organisation's training experience


    Key benefits

    • Adaptable

      Programme can be aligned to an organisation’s operations and staff career paths, which increases job satisfaction and retention.

    • Compliant

      Training helps to meet NDIS practice standards, quality indicators and your obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety legislation.

    • Effective

      Little and often approach enables staff to learn in a way that increases memory retention.

    • Non-disruptive

      Blended learning approach of in-person and online training means staff are not kept away from the front-line.

    Benefit from a blended approach to training

    How does Active Support work?

    Key personnel are given access to our award-winning eLearning and online resources, providing the perfect foundation for building knowledge and skills. They also attend our five-day training programme.

    As for training your wider team, they carry out the same eLearning as your key personnel, on a little and often basis causing minimal disruption to their day jobs.

    They also receive regular bitesize skills-embedding sessions from your key personnel, with the help of Maybo’s on-training library. These sessions include physical skills aided by informative, easy-to-understand Maybo e-Handbooks.


    The programme can also be tailored to each staff member’s role and experience level, ensuring learners receive a training experience right for their unique needs.


    • Case Studies

    25.09.23 | Social Care | Active Support

    The Four Pillars of Maybo's Person-centered Active Support in Action

    Disability Support Workers face time pressure challenges due to the number of tasks needed to be completed. An active support approach...

    • Expert Insights

    11.09.23 | Social Care | Healthcare, …

    How Maybo’s Positive Behaviour Support Program Supports Human Rights

    The Australian Human Rights Commission’s definition of human rights is that they are an ‘inherent value of each person, regardless of...

    • Maybo News

    25.07.23 | Passenger Transport | Security, FM & Events, …

    Introducing Nicky John, Maybo’s new Head of Quality and Compliance

    As Head of Quality and Compliance, Nicky John will ensure that Maybo’s services are safe, consistent and delivering effective change...

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