Concerns raised over the quality and safeguarding of disability services

    Training of staff in disability services is essential to prevent exposure to violence and abuse

      • Sector News
    • 02.09.21

    Significant concerns over the lack of focus in the prevention of abuse and neglect of people with disabilities have been revealed in a survey published by the Disability Royal Commission. 

    The survey asked the public to share their views about how people with disabilities experience safeguards, what promotes quality in services, and how these may prevent and reduce their exposure to violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 

    Respondents highlighted widespread concern over the use of restrictive practices, assuring the quality of service provision, and the need for greater emphasis on preventing abuse. They called for creating a service culture amongst disability service providers and support workers that respects human rights and does not tolerate violence or other abuses. 

    The importance of recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce committed to the rights of people with disabilities and monitoring employee compliance with applicable codes and standards were also reported.

    Many respondents said that the current reliance on complaints as a trigger for response to abuse is inadequate, and the system focuses its resources too narrowly on compliance and managerial approaches in responding to, instead of preventing, abuse.

    Disability Royal Commission: Call to promote quality in disability services and provide appropriate safeguards

    Maybo perspective

    The results from the survey highlight the extent of issues within the disability sector. Maybo shares the concern that often, focus is placed upon responding to abuse, rather than putting preventative measures in place that could mitigate the risk of incidents occurring. We believe that providing adequate training to staff is essential to create widespread change within the sector.

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