Deliveroo takes the lead in prioritising health, wellbeing and safety of staff and communities

    Riders to receive training on how to spot victims in dangerous situations and handling confrontations

      • Sector News
    • 10.06.21

    Deliveroo is taking the lead in prioritising the health, wellbeing and safety of its staff in the local community, by providing training to their riders on how to spot victims in potentially dangerous situations and how to handle confrontations. 

    The takeaway delivery giant has partnered with Neighbourhood Watch to offer its drivers optional training, verified by the Metropolitan Police, that will teach them to spot signs of female street harassment, domestic abuse, modern slavery and human trafficking and drug dealing. 

    Staff will also have the option to learn rider vehicle safety and how to handle confrontations. 

    Deliveroo rider Alexandra Ramosova said: "Riders are in a unique position as we’re out riding on the street and may see things others don’t.

    "We have the ability to help but sometimes aren’t sure how best to do so. This training will allow us to better support our community and one another. Training like this gives people the confidence to make a difference."

    Charged Retail: Deliveroo riders will now be trained to spot female harassment and domestic abuse


    Maybo perspective

    This is another great example of a company taking the lead in developing a culture of physical and psychological safety for their staff, whilst having a positive impact upon the local community.

    While it is essential staff are not put in situations that could threaten their safety, providing staff with training will enable them to safely address scenarios they may encounter on a day-to-day basis.

    Our latest eLearning programme ‘Reducing Conflict and Violence Risks’ covers COVID-related conflict, including handling frustrations over restrictions and conflict between customers, regularly encountered by people working in the hospitality industry. To find out more click here. For our eLearning on ‘Safer Lone Working’ click here.

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