The RRN Training Standards: what service providers need to know

    Webinar on 10th March 2021 for service providers and commissioners

      • Sector News
    • 07.03.21

    RRN webinar on Wednesday 10th March with Aji Lewis, Guy Cross (CQC), Bill Fox (Maybo), Emma Wadey (NHS), Ben Higgins (RRN), Sarah Leitch (RRN), Marie Lovell (Skills for Care) and Glyn Connolly (BILD ACT).

    Wednesday 10th March, 10.30am - 12pm GMT

    The 1st April 2021 is fast approaching, and with it the date by which the CQC previously said it will expect all services across health and social care to only use training in restrictive practices that is certified as complying with the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards.

    The webinar will include a variety of presentations covering the importance and implications of the Standards from the perspective of people with lived experience, NHS England, the CQC, Skills for Care and training providers. There will be opportunities to ask questions to our panel following the presentations.

    A recording of this webinar is now available to watch here.



    10:30: Welcome and introduction – overview of the Standards (Ben Higgins, RRN)

    10:40: Why restraint reduction and the Use of Force Act (Aji Lewis, mother of Seni Lewis)

    10:50: The Training Standards in NHS settings (Emma Wadey, NHS)

    11:00: RRN Training Standards (Sarah Leitch, RRN)

    11:10: Bild ACT Certification Process (Glyn Connolly, Bild ACT)

    11:20: CQC thematic review and focus on reducing restrictive practices (Guy Cross, CQC)

    11:30: How Skills for Care are supporting the implementation of the Standards and promoting restraint reduction (Marie Lovell, Skills for Care)

    11:40: How the standards are improving training from a training providers' perspective (Bill Fox, Maybo)

    11:50: Q&A and discussion panel

    12:00: End

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