Tailored trauma-informed training with a practical approach is best for primary carers, NICE advises

    Offering training in de-escalation techniques, communicating effectively and understanding behaviour is essential for childcare settings

      • Sector News
    • 24.01.22

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published updated guidelines. The aim is to help organisations, practitioners and carers deliver high-quality care to looked-after children and young people so that they can reach their full potential and have the same opportunities as their peers.

    The NICE guidelines highlight the importance of training, emphasising that training should be delivered before it is needed, not in response to an incident. 

    NICE also advised that supervising social workers should tailor training to the development needs of the carer and looked-after child or young person. Training should also be therapeutic and trauma-informed (covering attachment-informed, highly supportive, and responsive relational care). It should also include safeguarding procedures and how to communicate effectively and sensitively. There was no preference for in-person or virtual training. 

    To read the guidelines in full, click here

    NICE: Looked-after children and young people - NICE guidelines

    Maybo perspective

    • Before the onset of the pandemic, children and young people were already at a disadvantage, but now that budgets and staff are having to be redistributed, their mental health, well-being, and learning development is even more at risk. The rate of mental health disorders in the general population of children and young people aged 5 to 15 is 10%. However, for those who are looked after, it is 45% and 72% for those in residential care.
    • These guidelines support the use of positive behaviour support and therapeutic, trauma-informed care. Our training has a strong focus on these areas, so that carers are equipped with the skills they need to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the young people they support, in this sensitive and high-risk area.
    • This enables staff to:
    • - Better understand a child's physiological and emotional needs
    • - Improve their environment and relationships
    • - Engage them in ways that reduce behaviours of concern
    • - Reduce the need for restrictive practices

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    If you would like to discuss how we can help you please get in touch with one of our experts today

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