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Maybo sets the benchmark for training in reducing and managing conflict and clinically related challenging behaviours. Our comprehensive training aims to help develop awareness and safer working practices in order to create positive and safer environments for patients and staff.
Healthcare and Hospital staff can find themselves subject to challenging behaviour due to a patient, or service user, acting unpredictably due to a clinically related or mental health issue, such as dementia.
Maybo provides staff with the skills and confidence to de-escalate and manage challenging behaviours that represent a risk to safety.
We have played an important role in developing guidance on the prevention and management of clinical assaults within the NHS (UK) and healthcare industry, as well as the use of physical interventions by security personnel operating in both public and private healthcare settings.
Our training aligns with international best practice from the British Institute for Learning Disabilities, NHS Protect, Department for Health and Social Care, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Skills for Health, and Royal College of Nursing, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and Restraint Reduction Network.
Our physical skills are proven to be safe, gentle and low arousal when required as a last resort.